
AI in gaming - employee opinions

AI in gaming & immersive – what do employees really think?

Is AI in gaming going to become an unstoppable force? In the immersive technology industry, innovation is the key to success. So, what role does AI play in this and what does it mean for employees? Well, we have the opinions of people working in the industry right now…and they don’t hold back!

In our annual gaming & immersive salary survey, we’re always looking for new topics for our respondents. This year, we just had to include AI to get their thoughts and predictions. The topic has gained increasing attention in recent years, particularly as technology continues to advance rapidly.

So, get ready! We’re about to dive into what gaming & immersive professionals truly feel. An impressive 92% of respondents indicated that AI will significantly impact future gaming & immersive technology jobs. Are they worried about job security, or do they see it as a valuable tool for support?

What are the advantages of AI in gaming & immersive tech?

Graph showing advantage of ai in gaming/immersive

Gaming and immersive tech professionals see several clear advantages to integrating AI into their workflows. A significant 71% believe AI boosts productivity, making it one of the most valued benefits. Close behind, 70% appreciate the time-saving aspect, emphasising AI’s efficiency in automating routine tasks.

Additionally, 32% highlight AI’s role in minimising human error, which is crucial in ensuring smoother operations and more reliable outcomes. Interestingly, 27% also feel that AI can enhance creativity, offering new tools and insights that push the boundaries of what’s possible in game design and immersive experiences.

What do people feel are the disadvantages?

Graph showing disadvantage of ai in gaming/immersive

Gaming and immersive tech professionals express mixed feelings about the rise of AI. While they acknowledge the advantages it offers, there are notable concerns that highlight potential drawbacks. For instance, 60% worry that excessive reliance on AI could stifle creativity, as automation might overshadow human innovation.

Additionally, 45% cite data privacy as a significant issue, reflecting fears over the security of sensitive information. With AI heavily involved in data analysis, personalisation, and customer interactions, fears about data breaches and misuse are valid. Another 44% believe AI demands too much ongoing training and maintenance, which could hinder its accessibility and ease of use. Lastly, 43% are concerned that the cost of implementing AI technologies will be progressively expensive for many in the industry.

Other thoughts on AI from gaming professionals

Here are a few direct quotes from our respondents…do you agree?

“Trivial tasks can be offloaded completely. Privacy regulation will be difficult.”

“It’s a creative dead-end, disastrous for writers and voice-over artists and will be used to reduce headcount to the bare minimum while shareholders will be the only people to profit.”

“Companies want AI thinking it’s cheaper than employees, but will limit themselves by overusing it.”

What are your thoughts on AI in gaming and immersive technology jobs?

In summary, while gaming and immersive tech professionals recognise the challenges of AI, from creativity concerns to privacy and cost issues, they largely appreciate its potential. What do you think? Download a full copy of our 2024 gaming & immersive salary survey report for all the exclusive insights! If you’re looking for recruitment support, submit a vacancy and we’ll be in touch.