
Hiring Immersive Technology Talent Advice

Hiring Immersive Technology Talent – 5 reasons to start your Q1 hiring strategy now!

Are you hiring immersive technology talent in the new year? As the year comes to a close, many companies in the immersive tech and gaming industries begin shifting their focus to the upcoming quarter and the projects that will shape their success in the new year. If you have exciting tech initiatives or game developments planned for Q1, now is the ideal time to kick off your recruitment efforts.

Waiting until January to start hiring immersive technology talent may set you back, especially when competing for top talent in a competitive market. Here are five key reasons why starting your immersive tech and gaming recruitment now will set you up for success!

Maximise your budget before year-end

Many companies in the immersive tech and gaming sectors have hiring budgets that need to be utilised before they expire. By beginning your recruitment efforts in Q4, you can take full advantage of this budget to secure the talent you need before any new constraints or reallocations impact your hiring flexibility in the new year. This proactive approach helps businesses optimise financial resources and avoid losing valuable budgetary opportunities.

Leverage year-end flexibility

The end of the year often means slower business operations and more flexible schedules. This makes it a great time for immersive tech and gaming recruitment. Candidates are more available for interviews, while companies can focus on hiring without the pressure of tight project deadlines. Plus, many professionals reassess their career goals during this period, making them more open to new opportunities.

Ensure a smooth transition

For many immersive tech and gaming projects, having the right team in place by Q1 is essential for meeting deadlines and hitting goals. Delaying recruitment can lead to rushed hires, longer onboarding and project delays. By recruiting in Q4, you can onboard talent gradually, giving them time to settle in before new projects begin.

Anticipating longer notice periods

In immersive tech and gaming, many professionals, especially in senior roles, have long notice periods – sometimes up to three months. This means they can’t start right away, even if you hire them in January. By starting recruitment now, you can account for these notice periods, ensuring new hires are ready for your Q1 projects. Hiring early gives you the flexibility to handle notice periods without delaying your timelines.

Get a head start on the January hiring rush

January brings a hiring surge as companies rush to fill key roles. By starting your immersive tech and gaming recruitment in Q4, you get a head start on securing top talent before the market gets crowded. You’ll access a larger talent pool and engage candidates who might be waiting until January, giving you the chance to spark their interest early.

Helping you hire immersive technology talent!

Hiring immersive tech and gaming talent in Q4 or planning for the new year? We can help you get ahead of the curve and secure the very best in the industry! Submit a vacancy and we’ll be in touch to help you find the best digital talent.