Our Immersive Salary Survey: Sneak Peek Part 1!
As we enter 2023, we are getting ready to release our annual Immersive Salary Survey! We are looking forward to sharing the entire Immersive Salary Survey with you, but without giving too much away, we thought we would take a sneak peek into this year’s report.
Every year, our salary survey is downloaded by a large number of gaming professionals, business leaders and top immersive and gaming brands too. The report most importantly shares the latest salary benchmarking in the industry, but it also covers some other interesting topics that have been specially picked for this year which we are confident you will be interested in reading about!
We have interestingly asked a number of new questions this year to support the changing times, including the importance of the recruitment process, and what can attract you to a role, and deter you from another. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more to uncover in the 2023 Immersive Salary Survey.
What can we expect to see?
Here are just a handful of topics that we have asked in our salary survey report…
As to be expected, the salary review – we have outlined the latest salaries by role to give Immersive and Gaming professionals a clear understanding of salaries for 2023.
Methods of talent attraction and retention – a question for both our candidates and our clients! As important it is to attract top gaming talent, it is essential to keep hold of it too. We asked all the important questions in our salary survey questionnaire!
2023 priorities – we looked into which tools / areas should be prioritised by companies this year in order to support business growth.
Mental health and wellbeing – what should companies be doing to stand out amongst others, and support their employee’s mental health, wellbeing, and work-life balance? Find out soon in the full report!
And many more!
Watch this space for the latest updates
We hope this has given you a taster of what is to come from the Immersive Salary Survey, and we look forward to sharing the full report with you very soon.
If you would like to be one of the first to get your hands on it, then please make sure you are frequently checking the 2023 Immersive Salary Survey page which will be updated shortly.
If you cannot wait for the 2023 salary survey, you can check out our 2022 salary survey report today!