Amazon Developing Wearable Technology That Can Read Your Emotions
Amazon.com Inc. is developing a voice-activated wearable device that can recognise human emotions. The company believes this device may one day be able to offer advice on how the wearer could better interact with people.
Human emotions can sometimes be hard to read but Amazon believes it can develop the tech that can, not only recognise our emotions but also our overall health and fitness. The wrist worn gadget is described as a health and wellness device, and is in collaboration with Lab126 (the hardware development group behind Amazon’s Fire phone and Echo smart speaker) as well as the Alexa voice software team.
According to internal reports, the device will be designed with a smartphone app with microphone pairing capacity, which will enable voice recognition to determine your emotional state. The company reportedly believes this device may one day be able to offer advice on how the wearer could better interact with people. It is unclear how far along in the project it is or if it will ever be released for commercial use.