We are proud to announce that Ashton Addington will be at AWE!
We are proud to announce that Ashton Addington will be AWE (Augmented World Expo) 2020 Track Chair for both Alternative AR & Virtual Begins this coming Tuesday 26th kicking off at: 12:40-14:00 (PST) - Alternative AR 14:50-15:10 (PST) - Virtual
Latest news on AR Apple glasses
Apple has been working on a set of augmented reality wearable peripherals for some time and not much was revealed in terms of specs and size, until now. Recent leaks have revealed that Apple is planning to integrate 5G network connectivity
Within Launches ‘Supernatural’ for Oculus quest
With countries enforcing ever tougher lockdown measures, virtual reality is becoming one of the top outlets for letting off the tension and boredom. With quarantine in place more people are seeking alternatives to help burn off calories and stay fit,
How COVID-19 has changed the way we view technology
Lock-down, quarantine, self-isolation and social distancing are now common words being used in our daily life as the virus continues to hold the nation and the world at a standstill. If we are to speculate how this virus has impacted
TechNET Immersive is pleased to welcome Samantha G. Wolfe as an Advisor
TechNET Immersive is pleased to welcome Samantha G. Wolfe as an Advisor. She will be working in partnership with our Associate Director, Ashton Addington, to grow and expand TechNET's presence within the Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Immersive Computing industries. Based in
American Bakery Chain-Store, Panera, Seeks Food Transparency Using AR
American bakery Chain-store, Panera, is launching an augmented reality (AR) ad unit that allows users to share the AR experience from the ad, across social media platforms (Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook) giving users the ability to “play” with, and share, their
Mark Zuckerberg Believes We Will Soon See a Breakthough in Augmented Reality Glasses
Mark Zuckerberg has recently expressed his optimism for the future of Augmented Reality, and how he believes this will have significant impact in the future. Ever since Facebook brought oculus rift, they have been pushing new ways of incorporating social media
VR/AR industry is booming – but finding the right candidate is limited
There are currently almost 700 virtual reality startups worldwide, from companies focusing on building virtual limbs, self-driving cars and 3-D immersive cameras, to drone technologies and wearable tech for gaming. And yet for these companies finding the right talent can
Researchers are Using VR and Drones to Help Protect Koalas From Extinction
In the study, published in the journal PLoS ONE, QUT researchers and the Australian Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS) have used a combination of virtual reality (VR), aerial thermal-imaging and ground surveys to build a better
Russian Cow Uses VR to Help Reduce Anxiety
VR isn’t just limited to helping humans, but it can also be of significant help to cows. Moscow’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food claims that there are benefits to using this method – with studies showing a link between a cow’s